Monday, June 30, 2008

Happy Birthday CAW-NAH-DAHHH! Not!

On July 3rd, it'll be the 400th anniversary of QUEBEC - the city first, then the province, in that order yes... (More on that in a sec - ok?)
But today, it's only the 141st of CANADA OVERALL... what gives?!?

Well, that just gives you a sense of how screwd history can get when it pertains to a HISTORICAL MISTAKE...!!!
I've made it no secret how I feel about this country that is located north of the 49th parallel on the North American continent - or, more commonly referred to as "north of the border" or simply "north of the USofA" - yup! It is a historical mistake, begotten out of the basest human desires (quest for riches, expansion, conquest, demential empirical yearnings - AND the pernicious French jealousy towards all of the English endeavours...!)

As such, the end result could only turn out as it is - a misbegotten country that owes its name to either a simpleton term or an insult, and one that has trouble holding it all together...!

Hence the recent "reasonable accomodations" dossier up there...
And up in the air too!

Hence the constant separation and dissolvement threats...

And all this truly is UNDENIABLE PROOF that we do pay for our fathers' sins - in this case, most ancient forefathers, if "you-are-Canadian" or worse yet - if you're "Québécois"...!

They are complaining over there, this summer - for more reasons than usual...

Movie productions are not coming to their lousy locales anymore - which should automatically increase the quality of the films, I say! But that is another story...

The technical crews are therefore with a much lighter workload all of a sudden...

They'll spend summer - the only time you can shoot a film in Queubec, basically - twiddling their thumbs, between two of the rare LOCAL productions that got greenlit AT ALL... And one wonders WHY... But that is another story too!

At least local "talent" (we mean the thespians here) is quite philosophical about it all - and, thank GOD, they're LOGICAL about it too! Take Alexis Martin (something like the Quebec equivalent of a Woody Allen - with less talent and a girly name!) - he makes no big deal about it, understands that, with the CURRENCY PARITY prevailing now, there is absolutely NO ADVANTAGE AT ALL for American productions to come shoot their films in Montreal, Quebec, Halifax, Vancouver or even Toronto! All of these locations SUCK - and they'd rather shoot their films in a small town in Ohio rather than go out of their way to cross the damnable 48th parallel at all...

Besides, as Martin candidly and humbly admits in the video linked below, whenever American productions did come over there, they never hired him or any of the other average "local talent" like Pierre Lebeau, Céline Whatshername (not Lomez, much less Dion) or even Roy Dupuis - not even for a bit part lately! Sad, eh? Maybe I should have posted this on the Lethargic Blog instead...

Martin is told to be a "king of multi-tasking" by the local media - trying to encourage him to keep going, are they? At least he gets some kind of good press and some kind of support - it is already that! Lest this is another example of what they call over there "se peter les bretelles" - then, it would NOT be a good thing!

Alexis Martin : roi du « multi-tasking » !
Alexis Martin : roi du « multi-tasking » !

The other day, I caught a lame attempt at a talk-show from the NATIONAL BROADCASTER, the SRC, French side of the CBC... "Bons Baisers de France" is misleading at first because it seems to be originating from FRANCE - and just basic knowledge of the French language lets you realize that it couldn't possibly be! Most guests are, of course, Quebeckers - and they are known for mangling their language beyond recognition! No, the show is set in Montreal alright - the nearly unknown hostess is named FRANCE, that's what it is! France Beaudoin, I do believe - one of those mercenary types that has no sense of loyalty whatsover; she displayed that when she jumped ship and came over to the SRC, abandoning the network that made her a "star" - or really remotely known at all (and that would be TVA - which also broadcasts nation-wide, but is privately-owned unlike the government-sponsored SRC with a very strict mandate... But that is another story again!)

So, France comes over and gets rewarded with her own talk-show for the length of summer, a regal reward for betrayal, even if it is only locally and all...!
And even though they broadcast nationally, only those who speak French at all will give this a shot - and that is NOT a given either! But anyway - she gets the talk-show and tries to INNOVATE the genre by working only 4 nights-a-week. Plus, she does so with the assistance of a co-host for the week! A different one each week too - woo-hoo. The one I caught a bit of was one Fred Pellerin I think - Fred who? Good question. Many in his own province would ask the very same question, really! They try and they try, but Quebec' own tiny local "star-system" only spawns obscure ephemeral celebrities - the only ones that truly pierce through are the ones who obtain lucrative commercial deals! Shooting commercials for a car dealer, the local grocery store chain or some governmental program; THAT is the only way for them to truly remain in the forgetful "public eye". Yup - this does belong on the Lethargic Blog too! Ramblings In Writ will have to do, this time...

So then - Pellerin. Because his name is FRED, his theme music for the week, whenever he makes his entrance, will apparently be The Flintstones theme. Ugh.

They can't buy celebrity, they borrow tidbits of it from their NAMESAKES. Logical.

Then Fred Pellerin speaks of his beloved native village - and invites "guests" who are villagers indeed, to talk about it some more... Great. They left their forks and torches are the door, I see...

And then I finally realize what this guy, this "star" there, really does: he's some sort of village legends pillager! He bases his short stories and/or novellas upon the local legends; which are then the ideal source material for the unimaginative local filmmakers (no Scorseses around there; I assure you...) for either movies no one will bother to go see in a theater, or even purchase the DVD of - they might as well have shot these things striaght up as made-for-TV fluff, because that is where everyone will give it a shot - and then again, THAT is not for certain either!

All-around lethargic - indeed.

The cherry on top:
the international coverage these local gems, stars and even the national festivities (even when they reach the milestone numbers of 400... or 141...?!?) wind up getting - that is, even when it is other French-speaking countries covering the stuff!

France, of all nations, should do a better job than that - after all THEY are responsible for this Quebec mess even EXISTING IN THE FIRST PLACE! And still - the prestigious PARIS-MATCH made such a monumental gaffe (hmm - maybe Gaston LaGaffe works for them?) when they actually FAILED TO DIFFERENCIATE THE CITY OF QUÉBEC FROM THE PROVINCE OF QUÉBEC... A definite no-no for the FRENCH COUSIN across the pond - heck, LE BEAU-FRÈRE (the step-brother!)

Not merely lethargic now - utterly pathetic!

And to think that high-browed journalists STILL claim that their rigor, their meticulous verve, their "professionalism" by far eclipses that of the best of them "bloggers" (and, for them, "bloggers" as "blog" have become four-letter words - yes! HA! Up yours, elitistic jerks! You're just scared shitless for your JOBS - nobody buys your RAGS anymore and, besides, your brand of journalism is either yellow or THE SELLOUT TYPE - one stands a better chance to get to the truth via a BLOG indeed - one like MINE, that is! Where there sure is CONTENT - where there sure are editorials worth reading and where THE TRUTH is PARAMOUNT; not sponsorships!

But enough ramblin'...

For now!

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Monday, June 23, 2008

damn crazy canz - not cans, not canucks, and much less can-do's - canzzzzzz (as in can't-do-a-thing-but-catch-some-zzzzzzzz's!)

I can't believe these crazy people living north of the 49th parallel (and, yes, as it has nearly become my habit/custom/tradition in these parts of the blogosphere, in other words on Ramblings In Writ, I shall bash them some more!)

Love Triangles can get messy, but never quite like this:
the 43 year-old cuckolded man (though he had no cause to complain so much about - he had never tied the knot with the bitch! She bore him a child - another one of those infamous bastards from Quebec; they make up about 95% of the overall "baby boom" nowadays, eh? The 666 generation, I tell ya! And speaking of 666 - well, let's not get too far ahead of ourselves now - just read on!) simply had a (bad) case of overbloated pride hurt to the max - cause the bitch had dumped him in favor of a 22 year-old hunk! A meek, wimpy boytoy, really - but still - MUCH younger than both his rival and she, I assume!

The triangle resolved itself violently - but not the way they'd do it, say, in the Bronx - no. No gun shots to the head, nope. Instead, they went at it in a three-way bloody brawl - with baseball bats and knives! Verily, even the lowest of the low among redneck white trash would NOT have gone this low! She got a baseball bat to the cranium (well-deserved, surely - she'll live!) and the two morons stabbed each other to death!!! (Well, the 43 year-old killed the 22 year-old first - hurray for REAL MEN, eh? Take note of this, bimbos, next time you think of trading in an older model for a "brand-spanking new one" - probably featuring extra features such as a bunch of unexpected STDs - eh?)

Truly, this trio PROVES that it is NOT always better "to have loved and lost rather than have never loved at all..."

You spare yourself a lot of baseball bat shots to the head and midsection knife wounds, when you skip "loving" sluts like that...!!!

She hails from LAVAL, QUEBEC too...

What is it with LAVAL WOMEN these days, EH? Julie Couillard alone is a veritable VENOMOUS VIPER of a woman who DOOMS EVERY MAN WHO FALLS FOR YOUR ENSNAREMENT TACTICS (which normally include voluptuous kisses and dumbifying sweet nothings - and that's just for preliminaries!)

Couillard owns a house in Laval too (and so did/does the other slut who caused two men to kill each other in such a barbaric way this past week-end - just short of "LA ST-JEAN-BAPTISTE" - shoot, eh? They won't be missing much - as usual! But that is another story...) --- so, to anyone who thought this is riff-raff that can't hold a job, are on welfare, drink beer and live in a cheap apartment - THINK AGAIN!!! These are home owners, in GOOD, EVEN LUXURIOUS NEIGHBORHOODS (quiet ones, it goes without saying) and they are "LLLAAAAAAAAAAAAADIES" - rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrright!

Couillard has laid waste to far more guys than the other chick though - the score is about 9-2! One or two committed suicide (the one I know about for sure did so as recently as 2006) after being embroiled with her. Another was shot full of holes - probably IN HER PLACE, by the Hell's Angels. And all the other ones saw their careers RUINED - so, escaping with their lives, in this kind of society that we live in, was NOT such a good thing after all... For we are valued for what we DO for a living, now how we approach living and just LIVE - without hurting others, without being a nuisance and, hopefully, being a helpful beacon of light to a precious few in the process...? A society like this, hence, will show no mercy to these poor saps who fell for Julie and then lost IT ALL (the lates one in that line being a FORMER minister of FOREIGN AFFAIRS, Maxime Bernier - a dumb nitwit who got elected solely based upon his good looks and nothing else, quite obviously, and who is now on the last throes of his political career - he can always be a lawyer next, eh?)

And speaking of lawyers... And 666... *lol*

I can't believe the decision rendered in a "daughter versus father over alleged unfair GROUNDING" case...! Some "case" it was to begin with - but what is even more abysmal about it is the fact that the judge went with the DAUGHTER in the case, a typical little snotty-nosed witchy-bitchy OBVIOUS PROBLEM CHILD who DARED SUE HER DAD for being rightfully grounded (GROUNDED, imagine that! What a great CRIME against the person, Liberty, Freedom and Fundamental Rights - RIGHT?!?) IT MUST BE SO - because the judge sided with the daughter all to cause a PRECEDENT - a very dangerous one too! For everybody knows this is how our DEEPLY-FLAWED "JUSTICE" SYSTEM operates: the moment there's been ONE miscarriage of justice, every similar case can become and WILL BECOME a fac-simile of that travesty of justice too! It's the domino effect; or the multiplication of errors; the cloning or mushrooming of mistakes - call it what you will! I'll tell you what I call it: IT'S PATHETIC!
It was PATHETIC that this case ever got to court in the firat place!
And it is PATHETIC that the judge -whoever it was, old man or bitchy on a power trip- did not DISMISS THIS "CASE" ON THE VERY FIRST HEARING OF IT!!!

Indeed, the 666 generation is rising to prominence - as we speak! They're not just in diapers anymore; they're setting precedents taking their old pops to court now! To HELL with parental authority, eh - QUITE LITERALLY SOO TOO!

Now, the 666 thing today is really due to the apparition of a new controversial "voice" - one that does not even master its own chosen language (or, in reality, the bastardized tongue and culture it was born into, totally against its will - but that is another sad story too!)

Someone signing as "666" has been leaving pamphlets, leaflets, flyers and signs all over the place - some are usually taped up on walls and "abri-bus" shelters of fortune (with cheap SCOTCH TAPE, yes!) whatever-you-call-those...!!!

The text is a would-be virulent critique of the government, political forces abroad too, and
Among other things, "666" has branded China as a "communist oligarchy" and vehemently denounced the Bouchard-Taylor commission on "reasonable accommodations" in regards to the "invasion" of Quebec by so many foreigners who don't give a flying hoot about French - in fact, and this perfectly lo perceive the "required knowledge" of the French language as nothing more than an annoyance and an extra hurdle on their path...! Dman right they are! After all, even "666" here, who wants to champion the language, has NO CLUE how to properly use it in written form! His latest posting (titled "AWOUAIS RÉVEILLE!" or something like that!) and his previous "work" (a leaflet titled "Le Pédant et le Vendu" meant to defame Bouchard and Taylor, indeed) are chock-full of poor syntax, poor turns of phrases and poorer still verb conjugaison that, in truth, with championing like THIS, the French language is ASSURED TO DISAPPEAR COMPLETELY OFF THE FACE OF NORTH AMERICA WITHIN ONE OR TWO GENERATIONS - MAXIMUM! Good work, "666" (all "666s" are losers anyway! And the natural enemies of... luminous moi!) But that is another story too...)

Mark my luminous words - just in case there isn't an end of the world within just a few years, that is! TWO generations - max! Et finito le Français - na Canada!



Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Wordsmith For Hire - Editorialist Position Sought - and here is what I can do...!

For those of you half-a-world-away, thinking that Canada is indeed this sort of utopia made-up entirely of polite and extra-friendly citizens - well, THINK AGAIN!

I tell you - any given North American city (and, particularly New York and any imitative/envious Canadian "bigger than average" township!) are as NASTY, CRUDE and SICKENING as they come! You think you can find 1001 novel ways of CROAKING, right there in the middle of the street, whether it be in Beirut, Islamabad, Kandahar or, gee, I think I've ran out of trouble spots here... Ah yes; anything in the Gaza Strip will do too, right? WELL - I'VE GOT NEWS FOR YOU: it can happen TO and/or FOR you on North American soil too! A thousand different ways indeed.

Right now, a stabbing frenzy seems to be possessing everyone around the twin towns of doom: Laval & Montreal! Three incidents narrowingly within 24 hours, two of which in the subway and the middle one... on the highway!

A 22 year-old was stabbed while riding the metro home from work. He was in critical condition last I heard...
A 16 year-old GIRL was stabbed in the THROAT at Vendôme metro station; hey, I know that station! I remember it very well... Hence, it could have been *me*! It could have been you as well - it could happen to anyone.
The motorist who somehow got stabbed while circulating on the highway must have had taken in THE WRONGEST PASSENGER HE EVER COULD HAVE - details were sketchy at pundit bandit blogging time in order to confirm it was a hitchhiker-from-hell type who did this... sorry!

I suppose that everyone should carry a pocket knife with them wherever they go now - eh? Or pepper spray. Mace. Knuckles bar. Not that I'm condoning all this - whoo-oh! But self-defense needs to be empowered, just in case, for, quite obviously, you never do know...

At the same time, the local bigwig *croque-mort* coroner calls for an official investigation into the suddenly now very "suspicious" death of a muslim back in 2005... What, it took you three plus years to notice something was not kosher there (no cross-religion joke intended!) - what kind of Clouseaus are you anyway?!? Even good old Chief Inspector Clouseau, at his most pathetic, was quicker on the uptake than THAT... Sheesh!

I wonder if any of those victims were STUDENTS? Because if they were, and were part of a certain class-action suit, and had contributed above and beyond the call of duty to their STUDENT LOAN payback rip-off scam - I mean, "PLAN" - well they're gonna miss out on the big payoff now... Yes, it has been settled just recently and 80,000 students who overpaid the exaggerated interest charged on those loans are going to be sharing the reward of the fair and equitable justice system there, a whopping 30 MILLION! No calculators now, students - 30 MIL divided by 80,000 lucky studious kiddies amounts to... a measly 375$ EACH! Not even enough to PAY RENT! Bummer.

I guess the stabbed ones aren't missing a thing then.

80,000 is coincidentally a similar figure to the unveiled total number of births for 2007 in that wretched area: it's 84,000 to be exact, which represents an increase of 3% when one looks at the numbers for the worst year ever - 2006. (Okay, I'm sure we'll all get plenty of more convincing contenders for "worst year ever" between now and 2013 - happy?)

84,000+ - man alive, hoes like to do it unprotected after all, eh? The fact is, statistics that come with this figure aren't ''GOOD'' by any means - AT ALL. "One out of five" of these kids is said to be "vulnerable" they said. Whatever they mean by that! Maybe it has to do with the fact that MORE than one out of five is a certifiable little bastard? Two out of five have a screw loose too - considering the genetic make-up they come from... (It's usually the unwed, unemployed and uneducated that reproduce the most, in those parts!)
I'd say three out of five are likely to be dropouts then - and, just the week before the release of these numbers, other numbers had been issued and there was this one school in the heart of Montreal with a dropout rate of 94 point something percent...! Aye, nearly 95% of its students DROPPED OUT! WOW - that has GOT to be a record "worthy" of the Guinness Book of World Records - in the least flattering section, of course! Congratulations - what else?

Finally, four out of five will be condescending even if ignorant snotty little punks of the RACIST kind and 5 out of 5 will never really speak French - only some sort of mangled distortion of it, either to be called "joual" or "franglais"... Great going, Quebec - keep making froggy babies, eh?

One final 80,000+ figure for you - in the month of April alone, there were nearly 88,000 BANKRUPTCIES filings, a 19% increase when the inevitable comparison is made with the month of March... Things SURE DO LOOK A LOT LIKE... recession times here (what, you thought it was "beginning to look a lot like Christmas" or something?)

Just as all these bad news come out, Hillary is finally losing "officially" to Barack Obama - Geraldine Ferraro, Alexa McDonough and that Conservative chick time forgot breathe a collective sigh of relief: lesbo Hilary will *not* be joining their exclusive elite club; not just yet, anyhow!

Meanwhile, ongoing trials of importance are taking place at the same time: that of this Basil creep, the one who shot policeman Daniel Tessier full of holes, last year. He is seen coming to court with his best suit, flanked by his lookalike daddy, lookalike older son (lest it's his brother?) and scumalike WIFEY... The system will probably let him off with only a few years and a slap on the wrist - after all, he was asleep and was rudely awakened by the cops - he didn't know who he was shooting, poor baby Basil! What a travesty of justice!

And also at the same time, two additional accusations were made in the gruesome MICHAUD CASE; this governmental aide who was kidnapped and found dead - but it had nothing to do with her work at all, so conspiracy theorists need not apply.

I guess the autopsy raised questions that should have been obvious from the very start - but again, Clouseaus... I mean, disturbed younger man kidnaps a classy ravishing lady about 15 years older - what were the odds he would only steal from her...

Two additional accusations were finally brought against the murder suspect in the tragic, heart-wrenching case spoken of here; and they are very disturbing accusations too. For it would ''appear'' that the suspect "may also have" sexually assaulted Mrs. Nancy Michaud - twice.

The second assault is indeed an accusation of necrophilia.

This individual is realistically the only possible agressor in this case - but, in the eyes of the law, every accused party is still to be seen as "innocent until proven guilty" - hence the terminology used: always referring to him as a mere "suspect" in the case (in his local language it is "le présumé meurtrier" of course.)

So is the system up there, in Quebec - it protects the criminals and makes the victims the ones truly on trial as THEY have the burden of proof, not them! It sickens so mightily...

I do not need to merely presume here - I can bluntly say that he is a sick bastard.

And it has nothing to do with any environment shaping him out as such; I make it personal and blame him and only him. And the dark soul that resides within this individual.

The proof is already there - just open your eyes, you damn fools, and don't let another guilty party get away too easy - again.

And trust me: there are MANY like him here, of BOTH genders...
Wolves in sheep's clothing ABOUND all over North America...
The American Dream IS a scream - and a screamfest too!

So, you see, Afghan and Iraqi refugees can do much better than coming HERE...

I suggest you try the European Union instead!
It's closer and, besides, the Euro is TOPS... for now!

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