L.P. stands for "Labor Pains" this time...
Accoucher sans médecin
à l'Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur
(incapable de subvenir à vos besoins
malgré une longue et onéreuse
campagne de financement
parrainée par Guy Mongrain!?)
I guess that obstetricians
(and other doctors that actually bring
patients either back to life or
outright 'into this world')
well, their kind is probably not
at its place in that hospital!
Obstetrics are obsolete tricks
when you're really in the business
of finishing off the elderly!
Oops - did I just think that
out loud - in writ?
Such are to be 'ramblings in writ' -
Granted, the HSC
(or SHH - Sacred Heart Hospital?
But the name is really
Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur - yes!)
has not affixed any of that
renovation money
that they campaigned for
(yes - the PUBLIC GAVE...)
towards the obstetrics department
Rather, that money went
towards the renovation of
the archaic, near-obsolete
E.R. there!
Yeah - you get into a silly
accident, or a stupid fight,
you are DYING,
or expected to,
But if you're in LABOR -
and not wanting to die -
you better go elsewhere!
I am not saying this;
the obstetricians
are saying it!
They made this ultimatum
to the HSC administration -
either renovated
(heck - an entire overhaul
is required there)
the "baby section"
or just quit accepting
women in labor -
reroute them towards
private clinics
where they have SPACE,
modern equipment
and no contamination risks.
Because, at the HSC,
such patients
both babies and mothers
have their lives at risk there!
For once,
privatization makes sense!
That hospital has allegedly
not changed its obstetrics department
in fifty years...!
I guess I was lucky then...
Because... I WAS BORN THERE!
All I can say is that
I could not stand that
financing campaign
and the smile of said campaign's
spokesman, Guy Mongrain,
a morning man on TV
and now, on radio.
I confess to have taken
a whole batch of leaflets
with his smile on them
and a "nice (fake) nurse"
on the cover of it
BEGGING to "invest
in the future of our own
and to GIVE
to a campaign that
admitted callously
to an objective
of many MILLIONS...
out of OUR pockets!
And, I confess,
I took a batch of those
and threw them all
in the recycling can
I was walking away
for the night
from Dad's DEATH BED
in the intensive care unit
on that day
two years ago
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