Wednesday, February 02, 2011

2010: Another Review... pooh!

What a year it was...
As we mentioned it elsewhere, here, on the TLB Prime Network, 2010 was a "Sheesh Odyssey" for most of the globe...
Personally, of course, it was a most grandiose year - an epic time - a spectacular journey that concluded and began anew, opening up to a brand-new wondrous chapter of total fulfillment, joy and bliss...! But that is just ME (and a certain someone close to me!)
For the rest of the humanoids and assorted creepazoids out there, it wasn't so rosey - one iota!
I can imagine that Larry King, though cast aside now and completely inactive (for how long, one wonders) can continue to enjoy himself, bask in his own witticisms (or attempts to produce some) and resume his serial monogamy habit...

I can imagine that the New Orleans Saints can resume being make-believe holy persons from the gridiron - ones that fumble the ball and turn the other cheek, always...

And, one last example, I can see voodoo houngans carry on as they did before all the castigation they brought upon their land...!

For the rest...

Well, just read again what we penned for that other blog out there...

From financial chaos to political turmoil; from force majeure devastation to minor squabbles among petty souls on a wordly stage - 2010 saw it all. Of course, it was fully expected. But it did not have to be THAT bad...!

The most frightening thing of all about it is that IT COULD HAVE BEEN WORSE - MUCH WORSE...

There are psychopaths in the ____ Armed Forces - whatever forces those may be; just fill in the blank with the country of your choice! Rejoice...
Especially when there are arguments defending these psychopaths, out there; sure, it makes sense! We would much rather prefer dispatching psychos over wherever, pitting them up against the other psychos that threaten our national security and all. What we DO NOT WANT is to send over softies and assorted sissies to face off with Public Enemies numbers 1 through 99...! Wake up, Obama! America is already losing on so many fronts; with homo soldiers, it can only speed up that process henceforth...

Speaking of losing streaks now...

Thirty firms went bust every week last year, a business study has revealed. More than 1,500 companies were declared insolvent during 2010, according to statistics complied by

In that forlorn deserted place called QUAWBECK... CULBEC... whatever... The dreaded gaz de schiste made a dramatic appearance on the energetic resources firmament - enough to ignite all the would-be Mad Max clods up there... And everyone else who affectionates old-style energy sources, owning stock in it, for example...


(But not too much, eh)

Everything kept going the very same hum-drum way it has always been going over there in the Middle-East, in Irak, in Afghanistan, in all these God-forsaken places where there is a muslim majority persecuting a Christian minority...

It is going to change - BE CERTAIN OF IT.
The Holy Virgin did not appear in Egypt in such a spectacular luminous way, years ago, by sheer coincidence, you know...

Miners in Chili and millions in Haiti REALLY GOT IT BAD in 2010 - especially the latter bunch of characters... You know something in the cosmos has a tooth against you when you are hit by an earthquake, an epidemic and a hurricane ALL IN A ROW.

Hmm... Then again, I survived a fire, a flood and a car crash ALL IN A ROW TOO!
But that is another story...

Asking prices for Irish homes fell by 4.8 percent in the final quarter of 2010, the largest quarter-on-quarter drop recorded last year, according to top expert in the field, property website
The latest drop meant prices in December were down 14 percent from a year earlier and on average 40 percent below their 2007 peak in the wake of the bursting of Ireland's property bubble.
As for, it declared that nationwide reports surprise rise in December after two months of falling prices... The UK housing market has ended a volatile 2010 roughly where it began, after it reported a surprise 0.4% rise in house prices in December. But prices are expected to fall in the early part of the new year. The seasonally adjusted increase in the average UK house price reversed the declines seen in October ...
And that is all it did.

Of all the fluff this past year, the world of politics and that of entertainment took away the spotlight from the real tragedies and the real suffering going on in the world with frightening regularity. Nothing has changed in over fifty years, basically.

Elsewhere, of course, the focus shifts upon the local flavour; it is either Cheryl Cole if you are in the U.K. or Lady Gaga in the USA or Bollywood stars if you are trapped in the punjab or something...!

In the wild, widely untamed, unruly and irrational world of sports, upsets were the norm and the unworthiest teams prevailed oftentimes - much to the thinking sportsfan*s chagrin... From the disastrous World Cup results to, once again, dismal new championship results emerging from the grueling ordeals that are the NFL playoffs, MLB post-season, MLS playoffs and that always detestable Stanley Cup that is really nothing more than a glorified ashtray indeed...

Far more interesting is the 2010 final report on health issues, what we call *food* and the secrets around all that jazz... As seen on the *natural news* website...
Throughout 2010, we learned about all sorts of interesting chemicals being used in the conventional food supply. We learned that window cleaning chemicals are injected into fast food hamburger meat (, and we learned that soy protein is extracted using a highly explosive chemical called hexane (

Water fluoridation surfaced as a big issue of 2010, and NaturalNews published an article describing the criminality of fluoridation (

The American Chemistry Council, predictably, insisted that BPA was safe for everyone (, even as new evidence emerged that BPA was actually quite dangerous and might promote cancer. Food packaging companies scrambled to release BPA-free products, but the chemical is still found throughout canned soups and many other products.

In travel news, a Carnival Cruise Lines ship was stranded in November due to an engine fire. Left with no food, bathrooms, water or electricity, the cruise passengers were rescued by the U.S. Navy who brought -- get this -- Spam and Pop-Tarts! (

The truth comes out
The AIDS / HIV documentary House of Numbers came out in 2010, rocking the AIDS industry with intelligent questions that blew holes in conventional AIDS mythology (

Vitamin D was huge news in 2010 as a steady stream of new evidence emerged, showing how vitamin D can prevent breast cancer ( and other degenerative diseases. In 2010, the world came to realize that vitamin D deficiency is now at pandemic proportions (

We also learned more about the dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup and how it promotes diabetes ( The news about HFCS got so bad that the corn syrup industry announced it was changing the name of the ingredient to "corn sugar" in an effort to fool consumers.

There was some good news on the health freedom front in 2010, as the FDA was defeated in the courts over its attempted censorship of a nutritional supplement (

On the intellectual property side of things, the US Patent Office actually took steps to invalidate corporate patents on human genes ( This isn't a done deal yet, but it's a hopeful step in the right direction toward ending ridiculous gene patents.

In the "weird news" category, we learned about the giant spinning hexagon on the planet Saturn, as photographed by NASA spacecraft (

The supply of Rare Earth Elements began to be in trouble in 2010 as we learned that many of the key components in electronics and solar panels are actually derived from filthy mines in China where many of these metals are about to be in critically short supply (

On the superfood news side, 2010 saw the introduction of the Boku Super Food Bar (, which is the first superfood bar created by the People (using survey results from NaturalNews readers).

Keeping tabs on the cattle
The TSA took center stage in 2010 for reaching down our pants and making us walk through radiation-emitting microwave body scanners. Esteemed scientists warned that the devices could promote cancer and sperm mutations ( In response to the TSA's outrageous behavior against a now-famous guy who refused to be molested, I released a song called Don't Touch My Junk which went super-viral across the 'net (

The psychology of TSA agents was compared to Nazi war criminals (

Sheriffs, meanwhile, announced they wanted a national database of prescription drug users ( so they could track people who buy (and presumably sell) too many medications.

Big Sis Janet Napolitano announced that Wal-Mart customers should all spy on each other and report anything "suspicious." ( We launched a suspicious looking Wal-Mart video in response, featuring all the bizarre photos of the "People of Wal-Mart." (

Autism rates continued to climb in 2010, even as mainstream medical authorities insist it isn't caused by anything. Especially not vaccines. (

Speaking of vaccines, in 2010 we learned that vaccines are causing convulsions and seizures in children ( One of the first batches made available in the year caused seizures in children ( At one point in the year, the FDA admitted that vaccines had been contaminated with a pig virus, but announced they were still safe ( Walgreens announced its flu shot gift card ( and began running nationwide propaganda campaigns to promote flu shots which, by the way, automatically contained the swine flu vaccine from last year, too.

Not too long after Walgreens issues its flu shot gift card, Australia banned flu vaccines in children (for that batch, anyway) after they were found to cause vomiting, fevers and seizures, sending numerous children to the hospital ( Finland soon banned H1N1 vaccines after finding they caused narcolepsy ( Right after this, I released my Vaccine Zombie song ( which actually didn't do too well, as it was released during the vaccination off season when people weren't paying that much attention to vaccines yet in North America.

In September, we published a story demolishing the quack science behind flu vaccines ( The vaccine industry was having a lousy Fall season in 2010, so they tried everything ramp up vaccinations, including opening booths in airports, grocery stores and even offering free vaccine shots at strip clubs! (

The Lancet retracted Dr Wakefield's famous paper linking vaccines to autism, thereby rewriting medical history in much the same way as the lead character in George Orwell's 1984 book, where history was always reconstructed to match the political illusions of the current power holders. (

To expose the fraud of the H1N1 swine flu vaccine scheme, I offered a $10,000 reward for proof that the vaccine was safe and effective (, but no one took me up on the offer, of course, since such evidence does not exist. (That's because they never adequately test these vaccines before they start injecting people.)

Ultimately, it turned out that vitamin D worked far better at preventing flu infections than vaccines anyway (

There was a lot of money floating around in the vaccine industry, of course, especially as we learned that World Health Organization advisors were on the take, receiving kickbacks from vaccine manufacturers ( In July, Dr Gary Null published a powerful story exposing the quackery and lies of the vaccine industry (

One of the more fascinating bits of news from 2010 was the revelation that pharmacists are getting cancer from handling chemotherapy drugs! ( Yet they still sell them to others. Interesting, huh?

As part of the chemotherapy push, the LA Times published a story that actually recommended what can only be the most moronic health advice of the year: "Preventive chemotherapy" for those who don't yet have cancer. (

Chemotherapy was the drug of choice for Michael Douglas, of course ( He decided to use it to "treat" his cancer, following in the footsteps of Farrah Fawcett who died from chemotherapy last year. Celebrities just can't seem to get enough of chemo, and sadly we have to keep reporting on their deaths each year. Former lead singer of the band LFO, Rich Cronin, also passed away from chemo this year (

The Institute of Medicine released new recommendation on vitamin D. It turns out they were designed to keep everybody vitamin D deficient while warning people not to take too much (

Continuing with nutritional disinfo, a nutrition professor claims he lost weight eating Twinkies ( but the media stories neglected to mention you can lose weight on chemotherapy, too.

Sesame Street played a big role in the disinfo efforts of the year, introducing new "superfood" muppets. One of them is a block of cheese, and another is a hamburger bun. (

On the psychiatric stage, 2010 saw the industry label healthy eating a "mental disorder" that they dubbed orthorexia nervosa ( That's on top of the similarly concocted Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD) which is diagnosed in anyone who questions authority or refuses to get vaccinated.

As part of the Big Pharma push, doctors began urging fast food restaurants to hand out statin drugs like ketchup packets ( We posted a video documenting this news, and it received over a quarter million views:

We also exposed the top health care lies still driving conventional medicine (, and we revealed the ridiculous pinkwashing fraud with Komen's promotion of Kentucky Fried Chicken (

The Food Safety debate was a big deal during the end of 2010 ( The bill ultimately passed. It contains language that asks to FDA to "harmonize" the U.S. food supply with Codex Alimentarius ( Is also has the FDA setting up food safety enforcement offices in foreign nations.

Big Pharma fraud
Dr. Scott Reuben, an esteemed Big Pharma researcher, was caught faking dozens of studies upon which the medical industry relied to push popular prescription drugs ( To this day, Dr Reuben's research is still quoted in books and medical journals, even though we now know he simply invented all the clinical trial data.

But Dr Reuben wasn't the end of the pharmaceutical fraud news in 2010. We also learned that virtually all placebo-controlled trials throughout the industry were fraudulent to begin with because there are zero standards for the composition of the placebo pills, and what they're made of is almost never reported in clinical trials (

We also got news that a doctor recognized by the AMA, published in medical journals and tapped to teach Continuing Medical Education credits was a total fraud, having fooled the medical system for 20 years (

Johnson & Johnson took center stage throughout 2010 with a seeming never-ending stream of product recalls due to all sorts of chemicals and even metal fragments being found in their medicines. They were also caught in a drug profit kickback scheme and were sued by the Justice Department (

Famous people
In 2010, we interviewed Jesse Ventura (, Daniel Vitalis (, Suzy Cohen (, David Wolfe ( and many other well-known people.

Former President Bill Clinton announced he was following the "Heart Attack Proof" diet based on juicing and plant-based foods (

Saving the planet from modern "science"
Of course, the Gulf of Mexico oil spill was a significant story in 2010 (, and in terms of the pollution of waterways, Big Pharma also emerged in 2010 as a major global polluter (

The GMO stories of 2010 were simply amazing. We learned that the USA was pressuring European countries to stop any GMO labeling of foods (, and then later we learned through Wikileaks cables that the United States actually conspired with GMO corporations to push GMOs across Europe while creating a "retaliatory target list" of any who opposed it (

We also learned that the FDA looked eager to approve GMO salmon (, but thankfully this decision was slowed by tremendous public outcry.

I launched my "Just Say No to GMO" song in October as part of the GMO Awareness Month activities ( The song went super-viral and eventually racked up more than half a million views spanning four languages. Jeffrey Smith from the IRT continues to kick butt exposing the truth about GMOs. In a successful fundraising effort, NaturalNews and its readers raised over $30,000 to help fund the IRT (

The world food supply took major hits during 2010 as freakish weather events caused droughts, floods and freezes that drastically reduced food supply in key areas (

Censorship and Big Government
2010 was a big year of censorship. YouTube censored our interview with Jeffrey Smith about GMOs ( and then later turned the video back on. Alex Jones saw his site removed from the Google News search engine, and YouTube also announced it would drop his entire video channel.

The FTC took part in the censorship, too, going after the POM Wonderful company for telling the truth about the health benefits of its pomegranate juice products (

The Department of Homeland Security began seizing websites in 2010 (, claiming (illegal) authority over them. Thanks to Wikileaks, the push is now on for government to try to control the internet.
The raw milk wars were a big news item in 2010, as the FDA and state authorities took aggressive action to criminalize and arrest raw milk producers ( Criminal elements of the law enforcement community conducted an armed raid on a raw food co-op in California ( called Rawesome Foods. Their crime? They were selling raw milk.

Partly to protect our own video freedom from censorship, we launched NaturalNews.TV which has now grown to the largest natural health video site in the world, with over 10,000 members now uploading videos (and growing daily). Soon popular video stars such as AZ Mike ( and Magnus Mulliner ( emerged on the site.

Evil experiments
We saw Bill Gates emerge as a global population control zealot, even funding new technology to destroy sperm ( and another project to vaccinate people without their knowledge, using covert technology ( Later in the year, Gates was actually caught on video calling for a reduction in world population through the use of vaccines (

Meanwhile, the United States was caught red-handed in conducting medical experiments on Guatemalan prisoners ( Obama actually had to pick up the phone and apologize for this embarrassing bit of history that shows how governments always use innocents as guinea pigs to test their drugs.

What a year, huh?
In addition to everything mentioned above, 2010 also saw the release of a huge number of studies supporting the healing use of herbs and natural remedies.

Still, 2010 was mostly a year of expanded censorship, attacks on health freedom and expansions of government tyranny.

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On another level of things, 2010 saw the end of many careers as well: most notably of all, Larry King's. Good. He will never again get the facts wrong - on air, anyways.

2010 also saw the demises of another 1001 so-called *stars* too; from Lucienne Day to Boney M himself, Bobby Farrell - they all bit the stardust alright! The final goodbye, not merely an on-air au revoir either. Again, that is nothing new; there will be more... plenty more...

Aye, seeing it through this perspective, 2010 was nothing more than another glum year in a long series of such years which we know as HUMAN HISTORY...

Then again, maybe it is better to see it ALL through the warped eyes of the silly Culbec trou-de-culs...

Then again, maybe not.

Do not get me wrong now: 2010 was, without a shadow of a doubt, THE single most wonderful year OF MY ENTIRE LIFE --- but that is not for this blog; rather for another blog, far more endowed with luminescence, basking in it, thriving in it! Here, we lambaste pests: it is what we do best! And so we decided to do it in a different way - a lighter tone, for the holiday season! If you are one of the pests getting blasted this way, you can feel VERY, VERY LUCKY...


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