The Republican Party is NUTS. It cannot recognizes a GOOD candidate from a lousy one if it was an actual elephant trampling all over the whole blamed party!
They actually went with McCain over Huckabee - when both can, at best, be a decent improvement over CHENEY, and no more than that!
MITT ROMNEY was their man - and they failed to see that he was the only candidate who stood any kind of CHANCE up against either B.A. Baracus there OR the Ma Barker of the Democrats race! PATHETIC. How can you be so blind?!?
The Democrat Party - speaking of which - is also as dumb as they get, and their only saving grace is that the rival party is even dumber (and, also, independents count as NOTHING in the USA! Nader, go home!)
DEMS decided to frown upon John Edwards (again) and elected instead to go original and wanting to make the silly fictional takes such as Chris Rock's film and that other forgettable film with that Cartwright character actress as a very-obvious LESBIAN Prez... Right - as if either scenario is close to reality and what we want to see in a ('nother) possible scenario: the World War III scenario! Barack Obama cannot subdue or even dissuade Mahmoud and the "Axis of Evil" with Chris Rock-type of humor - he isn't even sufficiently funny for that! And the LEZ PREZ fantasy might titillate Jack Nicholson - but it will not fly high like a lesbian seagull, no baby! It will FRY - that's what it will do, when we all get nuked! What do you think Islam will think of the once "mighty USA" if they are led by a woman - an UNVEILED WOMAN to boot (with probable rug between her teeth - but those are just rumors, of course!)
That'll be the death of US ALL! Jack's support for Hillary seemed to have translated into the kiss of DEATH too, anyway - ever since this was made public, she's been losing to Obama! And speaking of which...
Jack's support is killing Hillary's chances (not the only factor either, but it was the catalyst...) and Hillary's dream is being the death of many people's aspirations. Whereas Obama's dream will likely be only the death of his lone person and only his person... "Osama versus Obama" only looks cool for two second on the imaginary marquee anyway... "Bin Laden versus Barack" - same difference! (Ok - I KNOW, I KNOW! Make it "Osama Bin Laden vs Barack Obama" and shove it in the "WON'T HAPPEN" filer - OKAY?!? Good.)
Basically there's nothing new under the sky and the star-spangled banner too - they have ALWAYS made the WRONG CHOICE! Even JFK was the bad guy to win! Nixon... Reagan... George Bush over Michael Dukakis... DUBYA, twice over?!? Terrible, HORRIBLE track record! AMERICANS CAN'T TELL WHAT'S WORTHY FROM WHAT'S FLUFF - WHAT'S GENUINE FROM WHAT'S MERELY POSING... OR WHAT'S RIGHT FROM WHAT'S WRONG ANYMORE! Instead of decent election between Romney and Edwards or Huckabee and Giuliani, we will get a Vietnam vet going up against either the RACE card or the GENDER card - EITHER WAY, A LOSE-LOSE COMBINATION!!!
But since politics are truly the arena that makes it crystal-clearer to all that "WINNER" does rhyme with "LOSER" and that there is so little difference between the two ultimately - it really doesn't matter at all, does it!?
After all, WHOEVER THEY ELECT, the world's going down the tubes, people!