Friday, August 24, 2007

When the hell is the whole damn island of Montreal caving in - HUH?!? Sheesh...

Yet more striking evidence that populating ("peupler" or "povoando" seems like better words to use here right now, oddly enough...) that area was a very BAD IDEA...

After seeing frightening evidence that the rigorous (and, these days, unpredictable) weather will age the major structures there way faster than any damn engineer can ever imagine; after seeing (and most shamefully failing to predict and prevent) an overpass (from) collapsing under its own weight, killing mere commuters; after noting the intolerable againg and decaying of bridges, other overpasses, aqueducts, subterranean passages (including the famed city beneath the city, at the subway level, in downtown Montreal...) not to mention many old buildings (old factories included) that deface that so-called metropolitan area by their mere state of decomposition...
NOW the mayor of Montreal says that "all preventive measures will be taken to assure that the safety of our citizens is enforced (...) blah-blah-blah" (I paraphrase - of course!)

The most important line of metro - the green one, between key stations Berri and Lionel-Groulx, I do believe - was completely condemned on Friday the 24th of August (which could have easily been a 13th for all the boutiques affected by this...! Since that stretch of the subway line includes the elite stations Peel, McGill and even "la câline de PLACE DES ARTS"!!! Imagine how much these depend on the subway to bring them ALL of their regular customers! And now - NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO COME; the big glitzy THE BAY store was even quarantined...!)

And why all this chaos?

Because a very scary rift, two centimeters wide if I remember correctly, was spotted on a huge cement block that is the very FOUNDATION of the huge structure there (supporting all the stores above it; and roofing the metro below!) - and the location of this was right underneath that The Bay store!
(Okay - that is nothing next to the 1 billion light years wide "hole in the universe" that astronomers have just "discovered" or "stumbled across" - but that is also another completely different story right there too...!!! No one is immediately endangered by this hole either...)

It was heartwarming to hear the mayor of Montreal voice his concern for all in this situation - he mentioned virtually everyone, from those daring commuters who DARE drive their car downtown, contributing to congestion/traffic jams, noise, the annoyance of it all AND pollution of course... to pedestrians, who merely walk on by, from their overpriced condo to the bar at the corner and back... from shopkeepers to other workers in the street block implicated in this potential MASSIVE CAVE-IN (and, if it occurred, what a huge hole it would make right at the center of this supposed "big town" too... Yikes!)
Yes, the mayor mentioned them all - every category of peeps one can think of, on the spot, BUT ONE; THE SUBWAY USER!
Why the omission?
I wonder - is it because public transit system users are like unto "the people beneath the stairs" - or "the subhumans from underground"...?!?
They're half-zombies already - they can be buried and left there, it doesn't matter really... IS THAT THE DEAL HERE?
Metro commuters are a lesser sub-species of commuters... expendable and easy to forget? IS THAT IT, HUH?!?

I kid you not - Montreal's mayor simply snubbed all of his precious metro system's clientele by mentioning by name pedestrians, car drivers, business owners and the like - but not caring enough to say the precise magic words "METRO USERS"...

And that is simply an aberration.

The same day, Quebec City's mayor died very suddenly.
A dynamic lady, full of life and energy, and yet she suddenly felt her heart aching - and one heart attack later, she was gone. She may have been substantially older than Montreal's mayor (she was 70) and also quite moreso controversial than he is; but SHE would have NEVER made such a faux pas!
No no no!

And the mere fact that she died and he lives on proves it to me:
something is amiss here!
ALL the good ones are dying, falling by the wayside - and only the CRAP REMAINS!
That is very bad news for the rest of us!

But the light at the end of the tunnel is this:
if we're any good too, we're going to croak soon as well.
And then the crap left behind will not matter anymore! ;)

Friday, August 10, 2007

rambling at random - part deux

Lavale, Maryland

There is a "Lavale" in Maryland...!

That's still better than LAVALETTE, West Virginia
MUCH better than LAVALETTE, New Jersey
AND MUCH, MUCH BETTER than Laval, Québec, CANADA!!!

You can sense already, by the tone and brusqueness,
that another salvo of anti-quebec rhetoric is coming right up here...!!!

And it sure is!

Denis Lévesque on LCN is nothing but a cheap imitation of Larry King on CNN

Most nights he can only envy the guests King has -
like, say, the time when he had MICHEL LOUVAIN on
same night, on Larry King Live, good ol' Larry had
the voluptuous Jessica Lan on...
Granted, Jessica Lan used to be a MAN
(she is the most stunning result of ALL transgendered specimens ever seen -
and I can only hope that she remains nothing but a MAN
who prefers to look like a WOMAN on the outside -
because she is then THE PERFECT LESBIAN to behold -
from afar, of course! But I digress...)
- even so, Lan is still a better guest to have than Louvain -
who is nothing more than a closeted queer who sings sappy songs since 1957!

And speaking of him; his brief association with Donald Lautrec
and Pierre Lalonde, as "Les 3 L", was nothing but another cheap imitation
made in Quebec - of the Rat Pack this time! Only problems are (and they are many!) as follows: no matter how vain as he tries to be, Lalonde is no Deano - Lautrec was neither as talented as Sammy Davis Jr. nor as funny -
and Sinatra wasn't a fag like Louvain undoubtedly is!
But I am digressing unceremoniously here...

Back to LCN now for a sec...
The big boss at both TVA and LCN is Pierre-Karl Péladeau...
Heck, he owns the whole multimedia empire named Québécor!
Québecor Publishing is the cornerstone of his mediatic empire...
One that he inherited (along with sis) from Daddy-o,
but that is a mere detail at this point in time...
(I could mention that the Péladeau sis is a junkie -
but why bother delve into that mess, eh? Hmm - ok, LET'S!)
It is heartwarming to see how much INTEGRITY is taken to heart by PKP;
he will not prohibit his LCN news machine from showing his sister,
Anne-Marie Péladeau (she who looks more like a dime-storey druggie indeed
than a rich heiress) throughout her many debacles with the LAW -
as she has been arraigned on drug possession charges, drug trafficking even,
and she has been penalized multiple times for RELAPSES...
And the whole sordid saga is faithfully related on LCN news,
continuously, 24/7, repeated every 15 minutes - ad nauseam...
Aye - it is great to have dependable news that we can TRUST -
but it is also great to have a dependable family
that sticks by you and covers your back when you mess up!
I guess money can't buy happiness, love or someone you can really lean on!
Heck - when cash is at stake, they'll choose IT over any blood ties...
Blood is ticker than water - but not than paper, apparently!

But I digress...

I just thought it so ironic that, the other day,
after hearing a caller on LARRY KING LIVE,
who hailed from Lavale, Maryland indeed,
I hear a colleague of Denis Lévesque,
the aforementioned cheap Larry King wannabe of Montreal,
the venerable Claude Poirier
(who would be a Joe Friday wannabe... maybe?!?)
lament about the sad situation in parts of Laval, QC.
while he is a resident of Montreal
and a fan of the Boston Bruins!
(One who likely eats often at Boston Pizza!
Boston Pizza which, for some reasons all their own,
just HAD TO put together a commercial that states
and makes VERY CLEAR to all the dimwits out there,
that their pizza, pasta, buns, beer
and other crap they overpriced on their menu
does NOT come from BOSTON!
Of course, Montreal is always soooooooo jealous of Boston!
Boston has a baseball team of LEGENDARY status
Montreal lost its pathetic team, YEARS AGO!
Boston has the Super Bowl-caliber Patriots
Montreal has meek Alouettes!
Boston had their BIG DIG -
Montreal has decaying highways and overpasses
that threaten to collapse at any given time!
They just injected 30 million bucks
to try and prevent that - but
they really need three times as much cash!
But I digress again...
Boston also has the CELTICS - back in contention
and a LEGEND in their own right!
A franchise with the BEST winning percentage of ALL
multi-championship teams in the WORLD
- better than the Yankees, better than the Canadiens!
Montreal? It has NO basketball team at all!
I need not go on, I think...
Mere market value
attached to the name
gives "BOSTON" the edge
over "Montreal" - every time!
You will NEVER see a "Montreal Pizza"
or a "Montreal Delicacies"
because such a name would be an OXYMORON!
You may see, though, one day,
"Montreal Mushrooms" - maybe!
But that is another story again...)

Back to Louvain now...

Do you know that his mother died of a stroke, in his arms basically?
Only the hospital kept her around for EIGHT YEARS.

She had had the stroke during a performance by her son -
and it was her all-time most favorite song EVER too -
sonny was standing by her side, with one arm over her shoulders...
He could feel something wasn't right with mother dearest...
When he finished the song, and the show ended
(it was a TV broadcast of Jacques Boulanger's "Allo BouBou")
he could feel her weakening... and she simply collapsed.
they kept her around until her heart just stopped beating -
she wasn't in a coma but she was TOTALLY BRAIN DEAD...

And me - I could only get SIX DAYS for MY DAD...?!?

Add to that the tale of that OTHER OLD LADY -
she was 20 years older than Dad
got into a stupid car crash and was left comatose
(what was she doing driving around in the first place?!?)
-she was just as damaged, brain-wise, as Dad was,
but he had been rendered so due to a stroke-
Still, they kept her hooked on a respirator AD INFINITUM...
And Dad - only six HARD-FOUGHT DAYS...
Six days I had to argument to GET!

I can't forget this and
I can't forgive this.

Especially not after having heard about
"the man who died"
or rather "the man who was pronounced dead"
and we do mean "brain-dead" again...
And then - MIRACLE...!
He rose back to life!
He wasn't brain-dead after all...
And to unhook HIS respirator
would have thus been... MURDER.

We got neither M-word in the latter case
I say it was really a case of another M-word...
Misdiagnosis in Montreal!
Where miracles are few
and murders - many...

And I wonder if it wasn't what happened
with my dear, dear,
saintly of a man



Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Idiocy is prevalent and running rampantly in our society today...
Heck, it runs roughshod over LOGIC...!
Take the case of that gas station employee;
she was attacked one night, at gun point
somebody was after the gas station's money really
not after her... But she could have been shot dead
as so many others have before her...
After this ordeal, she actually helped police
nab the culprit and recuperate the loot!
Wow - model employee, right?
She got "employee of the month" honors
and a raise with that - RIGHT?
She was rewarded shortly thereafter with
the exact opposite of what she deserved:
I guess her boss doesn't like money...

Another absurd bit coming right up:
Mom is retired...
She gets something from the Federal
in accordance to what she gets from
the other echelons - right.
All is okay so far...
Once the Fed sees that she's getting
what they deem as "enough"
from the other parties,
they pick their spot fine
to axe a sizeable chunk of what
mother dearest gets...
And so, she got livid
and dispatched ME... :!
(Those are the times when
we can truly say "why me?"
but I digress...)
And so, I waltz into
and I find the ladies there
to be even more abysmal
more infuriating
more annoying
more prone to ill-wishing
as to piss me off
than any other broad
I've ever complained about
either from the ones
I am related to
or the ones I dated!

they are there to HELP US
and yet they really help
As if they needed the extra help...
They eat up our taxes...
They overcharge us for "services"
some we don't even make any use of
- all for the greater good
of the "collectivity"!
"Social justice"
is just bureaucracy now!
And to know
that one's cash is diminished
so that the live-in lovers living in sin
the same-sex odd couples
and the STD-ridden contaminators
- well, it turns my stomach!



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