Where there's smoke, there's fire... right? WRONG! DEAD-WRONG!!!
Jul 1, 10:15 AM (ET)
LONDON (Reuters) - The British government launched a series of tough anti-cigarette adverts Friday with the message that smoking is bad for your sex life because it makes men impotent and women ugly.
The campaign is designed to target young Britons' fears about their sexual attractiveness -- an area the government says is more effective than highlighting general health concerns.
One ad uses a burning cigarette end between two "fingerlegs" as a metaphor for a penis with the strapline "Does smoking make you hard? Not if it means you can't get it up."
Another targets women saying cigarettes lead to premature skin aging and warns that smoking causes "cat's bum mouth."
"We know 70 percent of smokers want to stop smoking, however, with younger people, fears about attractiveness and fertility can be a stronger motivation to quit than fears about health," said Public Health Minister Caroline Flint. The government says smoking increases the risk of erectile dysfunction by around 50 percent for men in their 30s and 40s and that up to 120,000 British men in this age group were impotent as a result of smoking.
A recent survey by NHS Smoking Helpline also found two-thirds of young men and women, and over half of smokers, said smoking reduced sexual attractiveness.
If even the little neo-punks and neo-punkettes of London's foggy streets say so... Then it must be true! SMOKING SUCKS! Quit it, if you wanna... you know what! Preferably in an union of body, mind and spirit - hence, not just of the flesh!
Anyway, lungs full of smoke will only make you fumble the ball midway through THE ACT... Who wants THAT to happen?!?
A smoke AFTERWARDS is supposed to be "so sexy" - FOUTAISES I say!
Once again, you're all exhausted (the good kind of exhausted) sweaty and spent - you're probably out of breath too, from all the, ah, "exercise" (exxxercise-s?) and NOW you want to light it up?
What is this - a sexy death wish or something?!?
THERE IS NO SUCH THING (or, if there is, there shouldn't be any) "sexy death wish" - OKAY? If you want to ruin your sex life, your health and verily end your existence, you might just as well practice UNSAFE SEX with the most debauched ones there are... You'll get AIDS and that'll be that, pretty much...
Oh, and you know what? You smoke? ABSTAIN FROM SEX! There you go!
There's no safer way to kill "the mood" than when the bedroom stinks like sulfur...!!!
Or as I call them... "the smoking/polluting human chimneys" - NOT "smoking" in the sense that The Mask used to express... AT ALL!